Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 7th

I had my follow up with Dr Robert Jackson. While I was waiting for him to come in I took off my brace and ace bandage. When he entered the room, I was sitting there with my knee bent to around a 90. He was very impressed with where I was and told me that the surgery couldn't have gone better. He told me that I should be good in a couple of months to start jogging but that I shouldn't do any sort of quick lateral movements or any sports until 6 months. He said what is happening is the hamstring graft currently still has capillaries running through it but that they are dying and as they die the graft gets weaker and weaker. It takes any where from 3-6 months to have new capillaries grow through the graft and once that happens the graft regains about 20% of its strength. He told me that I no longer needed the crutches or the brace for my day to day activities.

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