They had me write yes on the leg where my surgery was going to take place. My Mom showed up around 2pm and waited until they took me away at around 3pm for the surgery. Dr Robert Jackson came in the room with a big smile and checked my leg again and then initialed it next to the Yes that I had written on the leg. Next the anesthesiologist came in and told me the different options that I had. I told him to just do whatever he thought was best.
Next thing I know he is injecting some sort of red colored liquid into the IV in my arm. He said, hmm I think I'll do two of these and that is the last thing I remember. I started coming to in some sort of recovery room. I wanted them to know that I was coming around so I thought it was a good idea to start whistling and taping my chest. I think it would be a pretty cool job to be there watching all the dumb things people do when they are waking up. It was probably around 5:30 when they wheeled me into my new room where my mom was. The nurse brought me some food which I was glad to eat because I hadn’t eaten since around 11 pm the night before. I felt nauseous eating so I took my time with the pudding.
Dr Robert Jackson came in and told me that the ACL surgery was a complete success. He told my mom to keep my knee iced and elevated and to get some ibuprofen along with the other pain killers that he prescribed (oxycodone). We left the hospital and headed to Harriman UT where my parents live. We stopped by a wedding reception on the way there but I stayed in the car while my mom said hi to some relatives. We made one more stop at Wal-Mart to pick up some pills and then headed home. I slept pretty well that night.

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